It’s time to REOPEN America and get our economy booming again!
I’m former State Representative Ron Hood and I am running to be your next Congressman from Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District.
America’s future is on the line. Hate-America leftists are trying to take this country down and go-along-to-get-along career politicians like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney won’t stop them. Fighters will.
We must fight to build the wall, protect the unborn, defend our gun rights, promote American businesses and bring jobs back, oppose endless war, stop our enemies like China, and defend the American worker!
I am the America First Republican running and I pledge to do just that—never stop fighting for AMERICA FIRST.

President Trump taught Republicans to never give up, never back down to the Democrats or the Fake News Media, and never stop fighting for America First.
I’m going to fight for America First alongside my friend Jim Jordan and other House Freedom Caucus members like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andy Biggs. Subsequently, the first thing I will do is join the Freedom Caucus
It’s time to fight back against the socialists in Congress and take a stand for AMERICA FIRST!
Ron Hood on the Issues

Taxes & the Economy
Federal taxes and spending are too high, and the federal deficit of over $34 trillion threatens the very survival of our nation. As your next Congressman, Ron Hood will oppose new or higher taxes. Instead, Ron Hood will fight for tax relief for struggling Ohio families and small businesses. As a State Representative, Ron Hood opposed every tax increase proposed, and sponsored tax cut and spending cuts legislation.

Border Wall & Immigration
For decades, America has been invaded via our southern border. During the past three years of the Biden Administration, that invasion has become a full-scale, undeclared war against America that threatens our very survival. As your next Congressman, Ron Hood will support federal legislation that will do three things to reverse this invasion and stop this undeclared war on America. 1) close and seal all 1,933 miles of America’s southern border. 2) finish building the border wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. 3) triple our border defenses.

Gun Rights
Our Second Amendment freedoms are the backbone of America’s independent spirit. As your next Congressman, Ron Hood will oppose any and all federal gun control legislation and regulations, including gun bans, gun registration schemes, and higher taxes on guns and ammunition. As a State Representative, Ron Hood opposed every gun control scheme proposed and sponsored the legislation that led to Ohio’s Constitutional Carry (concealed carry) law. In addition, Ron Hood sponsored Ohio’s “Stand Your Gun” laws.

Life & Family
Protecting the young and innocent is one of the most important things we can do as a civilized society. As your next Congressman, Ron Hood will continue to be 100% pro-life and oppose abortion on demand. In addition, Ron Hood will oppose all efforts to impose so-called “gender affirming” policies on young people who do not understand the life altering ramifications of such actions. As a State Representative, Ron Hood led the fight to pass the Heartbeat bill, sponsored the Ohio Life at Conception Act that would have ended the barbaric practice of abortion after conception, and sponsored legislation that would ban the act of administering puberty blocking drugs and gender reassignment surgery on minor children.

Election Integrity
Protecting election integrity is critical to ensuring free elections, the cornerstone of our Republic. As your next Congressman, Ron Hood will oppose legislation like the terribly misnamed “For the People Act” which would 1) federalize and micromanage the election process, 2) impose unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states, 3) reverse the decentralization of the American election process, essential protection of our liberty, and freedom, and 4) implement nationwide the worst changes in election rules that occurred in 2020, and further damage or eliminate basic security protocols. As a State Representative, Ron Hood opposed all attempts to destroy free elections in Ohio and supported efforts (such as picture voter identification) to safeguard the integrity of Ohio elections.